‘HOPING’ music video directed by Joseph showcases at UNESCO World Youth Conference

Third World Youth Conference: Achieving with Kindness (October 2, 2021)

COVID-19 brought to the fore many global inequalities but also the best of human qualities such as empathy, compassion, and kindness that provided relief and contributed to long-lasting solutions. In the third edition of the World Youth Conference on Kindness, we highlight these inspirational stories of young people and call for support for World Kindness Day on November 13, 2021.

This Saturday, October 2nd, Artist ElleL will be sharing a special performance of ‘Hoping’ at the 3rd World Youth Conference on Kindness featuring the music video which deals with concerns on environmental sustainability.


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Joseph & fellow Film and TV Charity trustee, Juliet Gilkes-Romero, contribute to anti-racism work.